Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where Are We Now?

Well, this adventure of learning to facilitate online learning and the various theories, technological enabling tools is very vast and also interesting.

So far, in this endeavor we are being acquainted with best practices and methodologies from the aspect of " The Facilitator" or "The Moderator". At first glance, you would think that participating in this role would be an easy, effective method, performed effortlessly by the online facilitator. Think again!

For the facilitator there are nuances, knowledge, theories, models, strategies and challenges to cognizant and knowledgeable of. This knowledge and awareness is crucial for creating a valued and valuable experience for on-line learners. With respect to preparation and arming of the appropriate knowledge to facilitate an enriching and valuable experience for the on-line learner, an instructional model called "R2D2" has been introduced.

R2D2 Model
The R2D2 model is representative of Read, Reflect, Display and Do and is a framework that promotes the development and application of appropriate information, activities and learning tools to facilitate learning in an on-line environment or as (Bonk, Zhang, 2008) have titled it:"the web of learning".

The R2D2 model is presented as a tool to facilitate the selection and usage of available tools that will most appropriately promote achievement in "the web of learning. The R2D2 model consists of four phases: Reading, Reflecting, Displaying and Doing, aligned to learner preferences and suggested learning activities.

My Next Post . . .

It is worth while to explore each of these phases in brief. In my next post, I will provide more insight into the purpose and application of each of the phases of R2D2.

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