Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Effective Foxy Facilitators Team Process

The Team Process
Janee Caslin, Michelle Jones and Julie Sandler all started at the beginning of the semester as strangers, who were then assigned as a group by Dr. Ke Zhang. The group slowly and out of necessity of completing assignment came together. All participant of this group possess strong personalities, are self motivation and operate as selfstarters. After just one team meeting, we accelerated past storming and norming and formed a Team.

The Formation
The formation of the team occurred naturally, and each member emerged with tangible strengths. We had no issues of ego, or esteem. Each member of this group stood eager and ready to assist the other. All willing to take on whatever, or all the tasks required to get the job done.

A Team
A team must have a leader, and considering that all of us possess leadership skills and qualities it was amazing that there were no struggles. Julie emerged as the project manager, Janee was the editor and idea generater and I was the visionary, the techie and quality assurance. All the while completing the responsibilities of our individual assignment.

A viewing of the vodcast in my previous blog will provide a glimpse of how well the three of us communicated by listening, learning and responding to one another.

One of the best team experiences I have had! Julie and Janee you are the BEST!

In Learning!


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